What is Infolinks and it's Ad Products

What is Infolinks and it's Ad Products


Earning with Infolinks
Earning money online in these days is become easy. Millions of people are making money online with different ways. You can also earn money, this post is specially written for those who have great audience with a popular website and they want to make dollars with them. Yes it's easy, if you have a popular website with targeted audience so you can easily earn money with that. All you need to find out some good networks like Infolinks which I will explain you in this post. Infolinks is a power full ad network like adsense, and the best thing is that it is compatible with adsense, so if you have adsense then you can also use infolinks with that.

  1. What is InfoLinks and it's ads (Your are Here)
  2. Setting up your account
  3. How to integrate ads in Website
  4. Control live Infolinks Ads from your Account

Infolinks and It's Ad products

The network is perfect for both advertisers and publishers. Webmasters and owner can easily monetize their website with infolinks without disturbing their site design and layout. The network offers 4 typs of ads, intext, intag, inframe and insearch. You can easily make a good amount of money by using these 4 types of ad products. The network is working on it's own algorithm which is no doubt a fast algorithm, you can check your reports and other details like maintaining your ads in just seconds. Infolinks is doing the great job for both advertisers and publishers.

InFrame Advertisements

Inframe ads are good to make money from your website's free space without any disturbance. Inframe ads are vertical banner ads which are not scrollable this means that the ads will be appeared for always in front of your visitors. The ads will be shown in left and right side of your website, this ads will be working on InfoLinks algorithm through which the ads only show on free space. The algorithm resizes the ad size according to the free space in sides of website. Here is an example.

InSearch Advertisements 

InSearch ads can give a great amount of money if you have organic traffic. This ad works when a users comes from any search engine with a specific keywords. So when a visitor find your site with a keyword on search engine and then he enters in your website then infolinks will show ads in a box at the bottom of your site related with the visitor's keyword. See an example below.

InTag Advertisements

You may have seen adsense' text ad unit on many websites which only displays in a one line with specific keywords related with the site content. Infolinks also offers intag ads which is similar to adsense text ad unit, and you can earn  good money with it. Intag ads can be shown in 1 or 2 lines, it is in your hand. The ad will be displayed with the keywords related with your content where the ad will appear. Another Example

InText Advertisements

This is my favorite, these ads appear in your website contents. Infolinks algorithm scans your website and find out some highly optimize keywords in your content and then replace them with their advertisers keywords, with an hover effect ad. When Infolinks find an keyword in your content then it decorates the keyword with color and a double line bottom border. Here is it's example.

So, the above information is related with Infolinks and it's ads products. As you can see that it's a series post, so if you really want to use this network with correct method then please subscribe this blog with your email and also join us on different social networks in order to be updated with us. Thanks and don't forget to share your thoughts about this post in comments.