10 Reasons Why You Suck at Email Marketing

10 Reasons Why You Suck at Email Marketing

High Click Email

Getting website readers to subscribe to your email list is only half the battle. The real challenge is getting subscribers to actually click the links inside your emails.
This is where the action really happens.
Let’s face it, if you can’t get your subscribers to click, you’re missing out on customers. And money.
No one likes that.
But the fact of the matter is, a lot of marketers, bloggers and website owners are facing grim numbers when it comes to click through rates.
According to an Email Marketing Benchmarks study done by MailChimp, the average click through rates in email is hovering around 3%.
So, if you can increase those clicks by just a single percentage point, you’re going to be way ahead of the game (and reaping the results).
Now that sounds more like it.
The good news is there are things you can do to boost email click through rates. Here are 14 tips to get your subscribers clicking: