10 “Fill In The Blank” Email Subject Lines (That Made Me The Most Money)
10 “Fill In The Blank” Email Subject Lines (That Made Me The Most Money)
Did you know that email marketing has an ROI of 4,000%?
Unbelievable, isn’t it?
That jaw-dropping statistic is straight from the Direct Marketing Association, the world’s leading independent organization for data-driven marketers.
According to their research, email marketing delivers a whopping $40 per dollar spent.
But that’s not all…
Email marketing CRUSHED everything else:
- Mobile, $10.51 per dollar spent
- Social media, $12.71 per dollar spent
- Display, $19.72 per dollar spent
- And search, $22.24 per dollar spent
So –
Despite the rumors that “email is dead”, nothing could be further from the truth.
In reality…