12 Key Performance Indicators For Successful Online Business
12 Key Performance Indicators For Successful Online Business
All great businesses focus on specific key performance indicators in order to meet strategic and operational goals.
But not all KPI’s are the same as they vary from company to company and depend on priorities.
Whether you’re running an online or offline business, you should regularly monitor revenue, cart abandonment, cash position, receivables, payables, and basic accounting reports. If you sell physical products, you can utilize an accounting system such as QuickBooks or FreshBooks to monitor your cost-of-goods sold and daily gross-profit.
You’ll also want to incorporate and monitor pay-per-click advertising reports, social media metrics (likes, shares, clicks, comments etc), email marketing results, and marketplace sales (such as internal, Cj.com, Clickbank, Amazon or eBay) to identify areas of needed improvement.
Any measurement can become a KPI as long as you have a means of capturing the data.