Marketers Guide to Maintaining Your Email List

Marketers Guide to Maintaining Your Email List

By:      Topics: Email Marketing
So, you’ve got an email list.
Now comes the hard part, maintaining your email list.
You didn’t think your list just took care of itself as you built it, did you?
Because it doesn’t.
Once you have a steady stream of subscribers opting into your list, you work isn’t done. In fact, it’s just getting started.
Remember, when it comes to email lists, bigger doesn’t always mean better. There’s no point in having a list that has low open and click rates, lots of spam notifications and is generally unresponsive.
You’re never going to make any money selling to a list like that.
So, you need to focus not only on constantly building your list, but also maintaining it. And maintaining it means making sure that everyone on your list is active and engaged. If they aren’t then you need to work on either trying to reengage them, or remove them from your list for good and move on.
If you haven’t already been working on maintaining a healthy email list the good news is you can start right now. I’m going to give you a couple of my best tips on how to do it.
Ready to start?
Here are 6 ways to maintain your email list like a professional marketer:

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#1. Clear Out Inactive Subscribers